December 24, 2012 02:00 / General
HERE WE GO....Hi there, this is our site launch post.
a message from us.
We launch on the eve of christmas night here in Jakarta 24-12-12. We've designing and building the site for over a year. not because we're not capable, but we're very picky and never satisfied with the design.
The sad thing about launching a site is, we have to show to the world our work. and building site to us is an art that is never ending, there will be more things to change, small details to comfort and small tweak here and there so the site load fast. Unfornatunately we live in the real world, we have to launch our business so we can go work with your project.
We're not much of a writer, but we will try to regularly post things that interest us and things related to the web, technology, art, typography and maybe cats and cheese.
So thank you for reading,
Avioc Team